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Human Resources Policy

Human Resources Policy

  • In the context of equal opportunities, select personnel with the characteristics appropriate to the qualifications and the corporate culture, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, language, nationality, beliefs and disability, and ensuring the sustainability of equality within the company,
  • Placement of the right person according to qualifications and needs,
  • Provide our employees with an environment for continuous training and personal development,
  • Plan and develop the careers of individuals according to the needs of the organization,
  • Remunerate and reward practices with systematic approaches,
  • Assess the performance of individuals with objective approaches and create a feedback environment,
  • Create a preferred work environment by implementing practices aimed at motivating employees,
  • Follow modern internationally accepted human resource practices, and create and manage the integrated systems necessary to grow our business.

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Upcoming Activities


Due to postpone decision 2020 we will meeting you october 2021 at IZB

06 July 2020